At Kindergarten we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum, which covers child development from birth to the age of 5. This sets the standards for all early years’ providers, supporting them to offer high quality environments which ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. The curriculum is play based and activities are planned to meet the needs and interests of the individual child, enabling them to learn through play and interaction with others. Care is also taken to ensure that activities promote independence, and that children are successful in their learning.
We recognise that parents/carers are the most important influence in their child’s life, but also understand that a strong start to learning and development helps prepare children for the school environment.
K:Hub is our "wrap around" care offering a before & after the school day, and also a Holiday Club! Our caring and experienced staff ensure your children are well looked after and have a fun and interactive experience!
Servicing John of Rolleston our popular "Before & After School Club" offers ever greater flexibility for families all the way upto school Year 6! The opening times of our 'wrap around care' mirror Kindergarten - So drop off's from 8am, and we remain open until 5.30pm! Continuity of care is guaranteed as your child progresses their educational journey through primary school. We look to offer age appropriate activities, and often support interaction betwen siblings who could be attending both settings, Kindergarten & School! Breakfast before school and a snack after school is included in what we consider a great value price for the quality care offered to your child.
Our K:Hub Holiday club opens for periods during most major holidays - Half terms / Easter / Summer. (We remain closed during the Christmas break) We offer a range of activities depending on the childrens age and the time of year. Session bookings are taken in advance of the holiday and supported by our experienced, and caring Kindy staff! ***ADVISE BOOKING EARLY AS SPACES ARE LIMITED AND OUR POPULAR HOLIDAY CLUB SELLS OUT FAST!***
Rolleston Kindergarten © All rights reserved 2023